Saturday, September 18, 2010

Reviving this Blog and a Challenge to Blog Regularly

I got hooked up recently with Lindsey Whitney's Growing Kids Ministry Blog  and now one of her recent posts is serving to both convict and challenge me to "come back to life" or more specifically resurrect this blog back to life.

Lindsey is inviting delinquent and backslidden bloggers, as well as neophytes to join the Build a Better Blog Challenge. You can get more information on this here . So far, 12 people are stepping up to the challenge and we may get a few more by the end of the month.

The challenge to blog starts October 1st, so I'll have a couple of weeks to prep and get ready. My goal is to blog on Jonah every Monday once a week, which should get me up to 52 ways to teach Jonah in a year. I'll also plan to blog on other children's ministry-related issues as needed.

I'll also look to friends for suggestions, so let me know if you have a great suggestion to add. Let's build this blog together!

1 comment:

Glen Alan Woods said...

Hey Frank. Good to see you blogging. I look forward to learning from you. In the meantime, a suggestion as you requested: The links to the right seem to be crying out, "Edit me! Edit me! Add!" I only report the facts. I don't make them up. That's my story and I am sticking to it....:)